Gothic Elf

by Clara Leslie


Steven Archer Steven was very young when his mother was re-married to his abusive stepfather. Children Services took him away from his mother and stepfather and placed him with his biological father who had been paying child support since Steven was born. Steven had some problems readjusting to having a new father and living in, of all places, a castle.

In his teens, Steven has adapted quite nicely and has become a happy, cheerful teenager. Steven has been dubbed a perky goth for his love of black and lack of angst by his best friend since childhood, Daniel Connelly.
Marcus Archer Marcus was a seemingly inconsequential, depressed loser. Little did anyone in his highschool suspect that he was the Prince of Winter sent to learn how to be humble by his father. Marcus straightened up his act when his girlfriend became pregnant, but when she ran away from him it broke his heart.

Marcus began to pay child support for his son Steven until his ex-girlfriend came to him looking for a place for Steven to go. Having changed his heart to ice to deal with the loss of his girlfriend and unborn son Steven, how can he adjust to having a son and being a father?
Daniel Connelly Steven's best friend since childhood and the son of Marcus' greatest rival, Ardian Connelly. Daniel has a very optimistic outlook on life and indeed it seem as though there's nothing he can't do and can't do perfectly.
Mr. Spidey The ancient spirit of the Spider in a stuffed toy. Spider has choosen to be Steven's familiar, and though no one ever sees his work, Spider is a subtle yet highly effective protector.
Raven The oldest Animal Spirit to serve a royal house. Raven is a thousand years of ego given solid form. He is Marcus' teacher and protector, but that doesn't mean that Marcus would mind throwing him at a wall from time to time.

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